Wednesday, December 23

Not making this up. Walmart is in the real estate bizness.

My local WalMart no longer has a Salvation Army drop off in their parking lot. But as I u-turned away from the big box (I never shop there) I saw signs for WalMart real estate. Yes, WalMart is in the real estate business, selling out-parcels for point of purchase shopping for the masses.

The latest addition to the Blue Gal blogroll, The Anchovy Daiquiri Shack, has a great post up about WalMart, including a video of a "full-time" WalMart employee who points out that the WalMart where she works has an Optical department, but the WalMart Optical Department doesn't take her WalMart Optical insurance.

And the WalMart Real Estate Department does charity work...for fellow WalMart employees:

In 2007, The Wal-Mart Realty Caring & Sharing Committee assisted associates in need with over $8,000 worth of bills, and we provided a gift card to the parents who were single hourly associates with children totaling over $5,500. As a result, over 100 kids had a better Christmas last year.

How good a Christmas would the kids of WalMart employees have if their company engaged in decent employment practices?

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